Monday, September 8, 2014

30-Day Challenge | Day 7

Day 7 | Who was or is your most inspirational colleague and why?

Missed yesterdays, so two from me today! This was difficult to nail down to just one person for me.  I was busy yesterday, but in truth, I think I was avoiding this question because I really don't know.  So here goes.

I had a couple of history teachers in high school that played a big part in why I decided on Social Studies as my area of focus in education - Mr. Milkovich (AP Euro: the hardest class I've ever taken) and Mrs. Taylor (Civil War class).  I changed from an elementary to 7-12 focus after one year in college because I wanted to coach so badly - inspirations there were my Dad and Coach McVicker.

Inspirational colleague? There are many that I pull little things from...  Overall, I'd say Amy Roediger.  I thoroughly enjoyed visiting her classroom my first couple years in Mentor when I was an instructional technologist.  She understood my job as it was supposed to be and not someone who was just there to fix hardware issues, which consumed much of my time unfortunately.

I see her as a content expert within her subject matter; someone who is never afraid to tell it like it is to anyone; someone who is always making changes in her delivery methods, looking for a different way to teach her content to keep it interesting for her students; and, more importantly, isn't afraid to fail when trying something new.

Outside of the classroom, Amy works tirelessly at speech and debate and professional development opportunities for other teachers (plus a thousand other things I'm sure).  I don't know where she finds the time! I am still looking for that time!!

In short, I strive to be that content expert and plan to continue to always look for a new way to deliver that content.  I'm never satisfied with what I did before.  I feel like it can always be better.  I hope to continue to have wonderful relationships with my students both in and out of the classroom through coaching as well.

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