Friday, September 26, 2014

30-Day Challenge | Day 24 & 25 #reflectiveteacher

 Day 24 Which learning trend captures your attention the most, and why? (Mobile learning, project-based learning, game-based learning, etc.)

Project-based learning captures my attention the most.  I used some books in Economics last year that were modeled after the PBL style of instruction and really enjoyed it.  It was difficult for the students to grasp, but I think with repeated exposure to this type of learning, they will be able to make the transition.

I am looking forward to using this more in the history classes that I teach this year.  With the Common Core and shifts within testing, I truly feel that the PBL approach is the most beneficial to the students.  It requires students reflect, research and resolve.  They need to be able to support their answers with evidence from their research.  They have to be able to articulate why.

One big thing I would like to get out of this year is more of a focus on this approach - how to help students work through this process.  They will not be handed the material, asked to memorize it for a test and whoever can recall the best, scores highest.

I may have the opportunity to get some PD on this; I hope that's the case, because I can't wait!!

Day 25 The ideal collaboration between students–what would it look like?

Collaboration among students.  I guess in my perfect world it would be something in which the students feel they have a vested interest in the outcome.  

History is a lot about making connections; even if you don't particularly enjoy history, I still think you can make valuable connections to today.  Collaboration can help that.  Working with someone, bouncing ideas off of others, critiquing each other; I think you learn best that way.  

I'm just getting into implementing more "creating" into the curriculum.  It's hard; I'm getting a lot of push-back.  But I'm not going to back down.

At the heart of all of this is collaboration amongst students.  Hopefully we get to a point soon where the  students are feeling more comfortable and are able to do this more easily.  From the Day 24 post above, I think PBL will help that immensely.

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