Friday, September 5, 2014

30-Day Challenge | Day 5

Day 4: Post a picture of your classroom, and describe what you see–and what you don’t see that you’d like to.

Wolski I almost typed in C212 :) Kirsten, I love walking by your room when I'm upstairs because it looks so fun!

This was my classroom for two mods today.  We used Nearpod with the Chromebooks.  I was on my iPad using AirPlay.  I LOVED IT.  By far my favorite layout so far.  When I look at this I see that everyone can see everyone.  I can see everyone & can sit with my students.

Other days I do the Pod thing like Wolski and I like that a lot too.  Again, students can see each other relatively well with that setup.  I also think it's pretty easy to move around when they need to move groups or something.

Above is a shot when I have the desks in rows.  When we are quizzing this is my preferred setup.  Right now we've been in this more because I am trying to perfect all of my students' names (which I've just about got) and it helps me to remember better.  

Here's a picture of my Learning Objectives board - one of the things I'm trying to improve on for the year. This is the first time in 7 years I've had my own room and can dedicate a board to just this topic!

Overall, when I look around at my history-related (Wolski, did you even notice I took my poster back?!) and inspirational (sorry Wolski, I'm a cheese and like them :)) posters I see someone who loves history and wants to inspire students to do the best they can.  I have two windows that let in some natural light, but the sun is blinding most of the time.  I have to get some "mood lights" I call them (I used them in my computer lab the last two years and the kids loved it) because I'm not a fan of the big fluorescent lights.

I would like to see some desks that are easier to move around to support my ever-changing arrangements and possibly a couple tables along the edge for group work.  I REALLY want the chalkboards gone and would prefer whiteboards for my pretty markers.  In regard to the windows, I'd rather curtains that are on a curtain rod because the shades in there whip up out of nowhere and scare the students and I most of the time.


  1. I would love to rearrange my room to mirror your top picture for French IV to facilitate discussions. It's not a very big class, but I'm not sure where I'd shove all the extra chairs. Do you move the desks, or do the kids?

    I love your giant bulletin board. Jealous.

    Finally, how is the sound in that room? You seem to have one of those fake walls. I'm loud, so I always wonder.

    1. Hmmm, first reply didn't save...kind of weird on the phone. So take 2 - kids mostly move desks but I do too. Sound can be an issue, but I try to keep it respectable. ;)

  2. Hi Jen,
    I love the focus you have on creating a learning environment that supports student collaboration (pods, fishbowl...) and the ever changing lesson objectives of each day. I am certain that you are able to promote student engagement through your variety of arrangements. Having the objectives posted will help students make meaningful connections to what they should know and be able to do each day.
    Not to go all "Literacy in the Disciplines", but; there is plenty of room on the wall for a word wall...just sayin! Also, I have a really ugly mood lamp for you! You inspire me!
    See you soon,

  3. Yes, I did notice that you took your poster was a sad moment. But you best keep your eye on it!! Oh I also have posters up, but they aren't the cheesy type. In fact a student commented the other day, "Mr Wolski, you have like an Eastern thing going on over there" I never thought of if that way. However, I did notice that you stole my pod formation!!! I might have to move my desks more often, but when you share a room, it is a little harder to do.
