Wednesday, September 17, 2014

30-Day Challenge | Day 17 #reflectiveteaching

Day 17 | What do you think the most challenging issue in education is today?

I seriously was considering linking to Kirsten and Wolski's posts for today's topic and leaving it at that.  I've missed my personal goal of being in bed by 11 pm - again.  I think both bring up great challenges in this field that exist and will continue to exist for quite awhile.

Then I thought about new teachers.  Or maybe not-so-new teachers.  What I thought about was the turnover rate.  Why can't we keep them? I'm too tired to go into the details of that right now (I think some of it is briefly mentioned at the front-end of Wolski's post & then detailed in Kirsten's b/c people can't take anymore and just get beaten down).

Another issue, completely related I think, is why aren't we attracting more of the best and brightest? Do they see at the outset some of what is required to do this job and equate it to their worth?

My short thought for the day...

Oh and I have to mention this because I couldn't stop thinking about it.  I was asked the question if I "owned my room" today and I jokingly replied "you bet I do."  I don't own my room - the physical space - but I do own the atmosphere within my room.  My "room" is just as much my students' room as it is mine or anyone else's that walks through it's door.


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