Wednesday, September 3, 2014

30-Day Challenge | Day 3

Day 3 | Discuss one "observation" area you would like to improve on for your teacher evaluation.

An observation area I'd like to continue to work on is making a better effort to make sure that all students are understanding the material.  Yes, Wolski, I'm copying you.  This is something that continues to elude me at times.  To piggy-back off of Wolski's post, I too have always been stuck with how to look over formatives and quickly readjust instruction.  This is where I'd like to employ the help of our instructional coaches :) I can make quick formatives that are easy to grade, no problem; it's the differentiation piece that I struggle with.  The differentiation seems to fall off because there are so many other deadlines and things to meet.  Something has to give right? It shouldn't be that though.  Hopefully with the coaches help and collaborating with my colleagues I can come to a better place with this in order to reach more students in the classroom.


  1. quick formative checks throughout the class really help guide the instruction!

  2. Hey cheater!!! J/'s a great goal to have!
