Wednesday, September 10, 2014

30-Day Challenge: Day 10 #reflectiveteacher

Day 10 |
  • Share five random facts about yourself.
    • I love to run
    • I'm the oldest of 4 siblings
    • I'm a mom to 2 sweet, but fiery little girls :)
    • I love to read
    • I love traveling out west; my favorite vacation spot is Glacier National Park
  • Share four things from your bucket list.
    • I don't have a bucket list, but I suppose I'll think of a few things right now:
      • run a half-marathon (I swore I'd never want to do that, but it is more appealing as I get older)
      • take my family to Glacier National Park so they can see why I love it so much
      • travel Europe for a few weeks
      • own a Mustang
  • Share three things that you hope for this year, as a “person” or an educator.
    • To get ahead so I can get some decent sleep!
    • To be patient with my toddler and kindergartner when we are all tired at the end of the day
    • Get a library of differentiation activities started to reinforce and enrich students in my class
  • Share two things that have made you laugh or cry as an educator.
    • In general, some of the things I hear students say makes me laugh all the time; I should be writing these things down!
    • It saddens me when I see a student who has the potential to do so well in life succumb to "stuff" going on in their lives; I wish they saw themselves like I see them.
  • Share one thing you wish more people knew about you.
    • Hmm...gosh I don't know.  Maybe I'll think of something before the day's over.

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